Is Anal Cancer Curable? Anal cancer doctor Explains

Is Anal Cancer Curable? Anal cancer doctor Explains

Introduction Anal cancer originates in the anal canal and is an uncommon type of cancer. However, the risk of developing anal cancer increases with age. Therefore, “it is essential to have a fundamental understanding of this disease and its treatment options”, says Dr...
What are the Rare Types of Liver Cancer?

What are the Rare Types of Liver Cancer?

Introduction Cancer that originates in the cells of the liver is called liver cancer. Liver cancer can be broadly categorised into two types – primary liver cancer and secondary liver cancer. Primary liver cancer occurs in the liver cells and is mainly caused by...
Don’t Neglect these Throat Cancer Symptoms

Don’t Neglect these Throat Cancer Symptoms

Introduction Throat cancer can originate in the throat (pharynx), voice box (larynx) or the upper throat section just behind the nose. Throat cancer can encompass other types of cancer like oropharyngeal, hypopharyngeal and glottic cancers. Dr Purnendu Bhowmik of...